Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Time Management

All right everyone, I've got a question for you. Do all theater people wait until the last minute, or is this just me? For some reason, I think this may be an industry thing. Addiction to adrenaline rush, perhaps?

This came to me as I was sitting at my desk doing work, when I received an email from my graphic designer telling me that if I didn't get my producer's note to her by the end of the day today, it would have to be omitted from the program. Now, I was going to get it to her. It was on my to do list! We'll ignore the fact that she had set a deadline of 5/1.....

Why all the pressure. I entered a business, we ALL WILLINGLY entered a business where stress is at its maximum at all times. I'd be interested to do a study of theater people and sexual sadists. One of my favorite ways to explain what I do is this: "I have a to-do list of really important things, and I never get to them because there's always something urgent to do, usually of less importance, hence it getting ignored until it was urgent. I own a self of books on time management.

So, fellow thespians/artists. Any thoughts?
And on that note, I'm going back to work.



  1. Good question - I'll answer it tomorrow.

  2. Do you know how many things I'm procrastinating doing by reading this blog post?
    ~ c.

  3. Often it seems that theatre people are always doing something ELSE in ADDITION to the production work. And then there is a level of trust in the output (I know I think that way) where one might assume that the task can wait... until it's too late!

  4. Agree! Yet we're also the BEST multi-taskers around....except, or course for restaurant servers ;)
